Version 5.0.8
OneView Physician Quality Release Notes
What's New in OneView Physician Quality 5.0.8
Release Date: Monday, December 2, 2019
Version 5.0.8 adds new functionality and support for 2019 reporting period submission through the Submission Wizard. You can also now sign-up for your submission date.
Electronic submission: Acmeware has updated the OneView submission wizard to automate the generation of QRDA reports for electronic submission and audit compliance. Submission Wizard updates include the ability to download QRDA category 3 reports by reporting period.
Below is a link to the Submission Wizard Help Guide with Step-by-step instructions for using the PQ Submission Wizard in OneView for both scheduling and preparing your submission.
CMS249 and CMS349 have been removed in this version as Acmeware is not supporting them for the 2019 reporting period year.
Here's a summary of what's new in this update:
New Features and Enhancements: (for all platforms unless specified)
- The About OneView window accessed from the OneView login page was updated to include more information about certification and the active dates. This can now be printed to PDF to save for your records.
- Updated the text in the pop-up window for “Forgot your password?” OneView access is based on local network credentials so the text was updated to direct users that need help with their passwords.
Submission Wizard:
- Added ability to store hospital logo to be associated with locked reports. Customer Support Ticket: 7678
- Added a New Report: CQM Summary by Logical Group which will show individual provider measures with associated summary numbers/performance rates per logical (non-reporting) groups (this differs from your group reporting since the summary numbers are not aggregated across all providers in the group)
- PI Objective Measure Summary Report:
- Added subtotals of points earned per objective
- Added ability to select measure exclusions in Manage Dictionaries and redistribution of points in PI Summary Report
- Here is a help guide for helping to understand the PI Validation Report and the redistribution of points for exclusions:
- Patient Detail Report: Revised the report so that codified elements will be expanded by default instead of having to click to expand
- Value Set Measure Summary Report:
- Excluded items that do not require mapping from report (Measurement Period, Birthdate, Ethnicity, Payer, Race, Sex, Gender, Expired)
- Made a performance enhancement that should make report render more quickly
- Added a New report folder called 'Utilities' which will hold useful miscellaneous reports and tools
- Added a new Utilities report: HIE Integration Settings to display HIE integration status and settings (if applicable). This report will only work if the site has their HIE standardized with us.
- Added a new Utilities report: Group Membership which shows providers and measures assigned to groups without having to go into the dictionary. This is read-only. To make changes, you must use Manage Dictionaries
- CQM Group Patient Detail. Added another provider column to prevent duplicates and to help clarify how provider activity is shared for patient-based measures.
Manage Dictionaries:
- Added verbiage to capture API workflow instructions given query if using multiple queries. Impact: Users can include 1 or 2 queries based on their workflow per MEDITECH Best Practice.
- Added new PI exclusion measure selections to Manage Dictionaries> Manage Individual Providers/Manage Groups in order to recalculate points for MIPS.
- Added Query of PDMP bonus measure to Manage Dictionaries> Manage Individual Providers/Manage Groups for selection.
Promoting Interoperability (PI) Measures:
- Query of the PDMP: Per 2020 QPP Final rule, EP-2 bonus measure was changed from a numerator/denominator measure to a Y/N measure. If you qualify for this bonus measure, you will need to select the measure in Manage Dictionaries>Manage Individual Providers/Manage Groups.
- Created database objects to facilitate HIE integration
Fixes: (for all platforms unless specified)
Please Note: Customer Support Tickets referenced below may be Acmeware client specific and are not visible to all clients on the Customer Support Portal.
- PI Measure Summary Reports: Fixed the last compiled date/time on the PI Measure Summary Report so that it would accurately reflect the most recent compiled time. Customer Support Ticket: 7735
- PI Measure Summary By Group: Adjusted alignment to prevent blank page when saving as .pdf
- CQM Measure Performance Report: Updated to reflect proper indicator colors on inverse measures
- Value Set Search by OID: Fixed issue where drill down when clicking on OID would render a blank page. Impact: Code list now shows up when clicking the OID.
Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs)
- CMS154: Fixed an issue where adults with URI were being included in the measure. Impact: Lower overall population of the measure as adults are now appropriately excluded.
- CMS069: Corrected intervention attribute name and value set OID to Overweight or Obese. It originally was set to last year's value. Impact: Users using the 2019 value set could have increased numerator.
- CMS022: Made minor changes to correct the display of the AND/OR logic in the numerator and exceptions. Fixed an issue with the way the AND/OR logic was displaying in the numerator, but calculations remain the same. Also fixed some layout issues in the exceptions. Impact: Do not expect a major impact on numbers.
- CMS122: Corrected an issue with the numerator rollup. Impact: May increase numerator slightly and will increase accuracy of totals and readability of numerator verbiage.
- CMS146: Corrected an issue where DXs of pharyngitis and tonsillitis prior to the visit were being allowed into the product. Impact: May reduce the number of patients in the overall population but should increase the overall numerator since patients were being allowed into the population who would never make the numerator.
- CMS645: Corrected miss-spelling on Attribute ValueSetName for Patient Reason Refused.
- Expanse: Added new data capture for Supplemental Payer information.
Promoting Interoperability (PI) Measures:
- e-Prescribing: Fixed a join on table used in eRx procedure that was causing all non-electronic scripts to fall out of the denominator. Impact: Denominator prescriptions are now counted correctly. Customer Support Ticket: 7755
- PEA_2: Removed flag for Medicaid only Patient Specific Education measure that should not have been in the denominator criteria. Customer Support Ticket: 8326
- Resolved PI Compile errors due to keeping older data in tables. Now any old data prior to data collection is deleted. Customer Support Ticket: 8400
- HIE_4: Updated HIE_4 code to reflect changes MEDITECH made for reconciling CCDs.
- MAGIC: HIE_4: Fixed an issue where one of the required tables for CCD data was not being populated and therefore returned no HIE_4 numerator data. Impact: HIE_4 numerator will now appropriately populate.